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Jackie Joy is both an inspiring coach and trainer from the Selling from the Heart team. 

Her long-term vision is to help pave the way for transforming the current sales culture into a community of trust, authenticity, and credibility. This includes raising the bar on how people perceive the sales profession role by demonstrating how it can be a positive impact on society, a business model, and you! 

 For over 25 years, Jackie continues to push the envelope beyond the standard 'business professional' by expanding her experience. Having held several sales leadership roles in various industries (B2B & B2C), such as retail, radio advertising, tobacco industry, health insurance industry and business development trainer. Jackie also achieved being a successful producer in the health insurance industry (top 6%) while being a leader.

 Jackie's passion for learning knows no boundaries. With the love for sales, psychology, and learning, it creates a bundle for growth, transformation, and compassion. Also, this equips her with the ideal skillset to coach others on how to implement these tools into their own life. As a wife and mother of 3, she understands first-hand the challenges of balancing family and a career- and the stress of trying to do it all. With Jackie on your side, you can find your own path to successful career growth in the sales industry by learning the tools she's experienced and implement them into your own sales career! Raise your bar!

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Access a treasure-trove of ideas and inspiration to keep you and your team motivated.

When You Align Your Heart You Grow Your Sales.

Skyrocket Your Sales Growth: Stop Babysitting, Start Engaging.

The 3 P's: What Sales Professionals Need to Know to Live a Fulfilli...

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